Jokwang JTR-FF12 ball float steam traps are used in applications that require more capacity than thermodynamic steam traps. These applications include heat exchangers, dehumidifiers, chemical plants and various steam systems. They have high strength of float, disc and seat. An air valve is integrated in the steam traps to remove air from the steam lines.
Ball float steam traps provide a smooth, continuous drainage of condensate from piping systems. In addition, they are extremely resistant to water hammering and are not affected by changes in loads. Steam traps JTR-FF12 are available with flanged connections. Installation of steam traps in the steam line is made in a horizontal position. Installation in vertical steam lines is also possible, for this purpose the cover rotates by 90°. JTR-FF12 steam traps are used with saturated and superheated steam. The body and cover are made of cast iron, other internal parts are made of stainless steel. The maximum permissible operating temperature is +220 °C. Flow capacity is up to 15000 kg/h.